Titles in Progress

Authors like to receive feedback from their readers, and a specialist author and publisher like me not only values that feedback after the book has been published, but also appreciates that contact with below enthusiasts helps make the book as good as it can be in terms of content when it is published.

Thus I want to reach out to as many fellow enthusiasts as I can to help make my two forthcoming titles appealing as I can make them. If you gave an active interest in withe subject (or indeed in my latest title, Traction for Sale), please keep coming back to this website and also follow me on Facebook and Twitter. Best of all, do get in touch with me through the Contact page.

My two forthcoming titles are listed below. Click on the cover image to go to their dedicated pages.

Carbodies - the Complete Story: Second edition







View the Carbodies Gallery


A Century of London Taxis - Full Circle






View the Century of London Taxis Gallery
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