Earlswood Press currently has two titles in print, Taxi Jubilee and Traction for Sale.
If you are in the book trade and wish to purchase either of these titles wholesale, here’s how:

Traction for Sale
Traction for Sale is a print on demand book, produced by Ingram Content in the UK, the USA and Australia.
If you have an Ingram iPage account, you can order copies direct here. If you do not have an Ingram iPage account, you can find out how to open one here.
Earlswood Press can also supply wholesale copies direct. Please see below for how to contact direct and find out more.

Taxi Jubilee
There are a few copies of Taxi Jubilee held by the publisher. The title is available at standard wholesale trade rates. To purchase, please contact Earlswood Press direct, or if you prefer, through Gardners Special Order Service sph@gardners.com
Trade discount is the standard 50% of cover price.

London’s Black Cabs
London’s Black Cabs has a publication date of March 28 2024. It will be published through Matador Publishing and can be bought through their usual processes. It will retain the Earlswood Press imprint.
If you want me to add you to the mailing list and advise you when the title is ready for purchase, please contact me. Trade discount will be the standard 50% of cover price.